Mr. Randisi is a versatile writer who has written in the mystery, thriller, horror, adventure, and western genres. He received a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly for his excellent mystery novel Alone with the Dead, and he has been called the “next Louis L’Amour” by author Jake Foster. He is prolific; he has published one novel a month since 1982, and if that isn’t enough, he has also edited numerous anthologies, including the First Cases series of crime anthologies.
First, I want to thank you for taking the time to chat with us Bob.
It’s my pleasure. Always willing to talk about writing and about writing westerns.
I’ve been reading your work, both westerns and mysteries, for seven or eight years and I’m impressed with both the quantity and the quality of your work. My question: what is a typical workday like for you?
It’s my pleasure. Always willing to talk about writing and about writing westerns.
I’ve been reading your work, both westerns and mysteries, for seven or eight years and I’m impressed with both the quantity and the quality of your work. My question: what is a typical workday like for you?

"Keeping myself interested got to be a problem in the 90’s—not the 1990’s, but when I reached Gunsmith #90. So I started playing some games, like doing some Gunsmiths that borrowed plots from favorite movies, or doing some Wild, Wild West type stories.”
You created The Gunsmith series, which is published under the pseudonym J.R. Roberts. It first appeared in 1982, and there are currently somewhere in the neighborhood of 320 books in the series. Have you written each book in the series? If so, how do you keep yourself interested in the stories and the characters?

Keeping myself interested got to be a problem in the 90’s—not the 1990’s, but when I reached Gunsmith #90. So I started playing some games, like doing some Gunsmiths that borrowed plots from favorite movies, or doing some Wild, Wild West type stories. I started one Gunsmith with the line, “Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl,” to see if the editor would catch it. They either didn’t, or they did and thought it was funny. So you need to entertain yourself as well as your reader to keep everybody interested.
Since we’re talking about your publishing history, what is the first novel you published? Was it a long time coming, or did you hit print pretty quickly once you decided to write it?
My first novel under my own name was called THE DISAPPEARANCE OF PENNY. It was a mystery that was published in 1980. (I did a ghost job on a book that came out in ’79). I sold my first short story in 1972, sold my first novel in ’79 on basis of an outline. I’ve sold all my novels that way, have never sold a completed manuscript. I met my first editor at an MWA [Mystery Writers of America] cocktail party where I used to tend bar so that everybody in the room had to come to me, and I’d meet everybody. We got along and I pitched him on the book. He liked it and bought it, and he’s the guy who asked me if I could write westerns, which led to The Gunsmith. So I’d say when I decided I wanted to do novels instead of short stories it took me about two years to get a book of my own in print. And I’ve never looked back. I’ve had a book published every month since January of 1982 (including those ghost and house jobs).
When did you decide you wanted to be a writer?
That happened when I was 15. That was when I not only decided I was gong to be a writer, but that I was going to be a full time writer by the time I was 30. When I turned thirty I had about 12 Gunsmiths under contract, so I quit working to write full time. That was a fifteen year plan. My second fifteen year plan was to be a millionaire by the time I was 45. Didn’t work out as well as the first plan.
You have had a long career—you have written in several different genres and published extensively in both novel form and short stories. Is there a specific genre or format you enjoy working in best? If you could choose would you concentrate on shorter works or novels?
I prefer to write novels, and my first love has always been the mystery. Specifically the hardboiled private eye novel.
It is my understanding that you have written several novels under house names—other than your long running series The Gunsmith. When you write under a house name do you approach it differently than your other work? Do you enjoy writing them, and if you can would you briefly explain how series writing works? Do you have any responsibility for promotion, or does the publisher prefer you stay quiet about your authorship?
First, the Gunsmith name “J.R. Roberts” is not a house name. It’s a pseudonym. That means it’s still mine, I get royalties. When I wrote 6 Nick Carter books in the 80’s I got a flat rate, no royalty. Usually when you write under house names—like the guys who write Longarm and Jake Logan—the publisher keeps quiet about it, so you have no input into promotion. They want the reader to think that “Tabor Evans” is really a guy who writes Longarm. If you look at the copyright page of a Gunsmith, it has my real name on it.
So writing under a housed name is different than writing your own series. You do the best you can when writing a house name series, but you have more invested in your own. I’ve done some Trailsman books, and I finished out the Canyon O’Grady series (the last seven) and a series called Shelter (3 books when the author, Paul Ledd [Paul Lederer], wanted to quit).

THE HAM REPORTER was published in 1985 by Doubleday Books, and reprinted last year by Stark House (as a double with my first book). It features Bat Masterson when he was a sports writer in New York City in 1911, and he solves a mystery with a young Damon Runyon. The first Keough, ALONE WITH THE DEAD, got a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly. It’s one of my favorites. Also CURTAINS OF BLOOD, my Jack the Ripper meets Bram Stoker book. (Actually, I wrote that as a “Bram Stoker” novel, but the publisher put it out as a “Jack the Ripper” novel). And a little western called THE GHOST WITH BLUE EYES.
Most writers are voracious readers, and I’m wondering what you read for pleasure?
I read what I write, mysteries, westerns, some science fiction, and also read non-fiction for research.
Now I want to turn to the western genre specifically. What first led you to the genre?

What are a few of the western writers who have most influenced your work?
When I finally did start reading westerns I read a lot of series, like the Buchanan books by “Jonas Ward.” I really enjoyed the Fargo books by John Benteen (a pseudonym for Ben Haas). I read the Sackett books by L’Amour, and some of the Silvertip books of Max Brand, but my preference ran to reading stuff like Jory Sherman’s Gunn series, or George Gilman’s Edge and Steele books.
If you could bring back the work of one western writer who would it be? Is there a specific title?
I learned a lot about writing adult western by reading the Gunn series. Jory Sherman is a helluva writer, and I saw that I could write good westerns around the sex scenes. I’d like to see those books reprinted.
You also write mysteries, and it seems there has been—both historically as well as today—a significant amount of authors who do good work in both genres. Do you think there is a relationship between the mystery and the western that promotes this crossover, or is it simply the economics of professional writing?
Well, the economics of doing this for a living makes it necessary to write in multiple genres, but there seems to be a symbiotic relationship between mysteries and westerns that appeals to a lot of writers. A lot of my westerns ARE mysteries at the same time. Same can be said for the work of Ed Gorman, Bill Pronzini, James Reasoner and others. There are similarities between the lone gunman (badge or no badge) and the P.I.
“There IS work out there for western writers—up to last year I was still writing them for five publishers. Every time one publisher decides to cancel a line, somebody else starts one up.”
The mystery genre is thriving, but many believe the western is in decline. What do you think about the western genre today, and what do you think the future holds for the western story?

Leisure has proven that there is a market, but I wouldn’t look for anyone other than McMurtry and the late L’Amour to hit any best seller lists. Harper Torch just ceased publishing westerns, and I had done two series for them, THE SONS OF DANIEL SHAYE and THE GAMBLERS (these books are just starting to appear). The books made money, but they canceled the line, anyway. Sometimes, they just don’t make “enough” money for the publisher. I’m still writing westerns for Leisure and Berkley.
Okay, now let's get down to your current work. What is your latest novel?
Okay, now let's get down to your current work. What is your latest novel?

I’m also writing books that combine the mystery with the current Texas Hold’em craze. My co-author is Vince Van Patten, the commentator for the World Poker Tour. The first book, THE PICASSO FLOP, was out earlier this year. It will be out in paper in 2009, as will the next book, THE JUDGMENT FOLD.
I’ve got a new western out from Leisure called THE MONEY GUN; [and] the first in a new series called THE GAMBLERS: BUTLER’S WAGER. Actually now it’s a trilogy. (Leisure has reprinted 3 of the books I wrote in the 80’s as “Robert Lake” and the 4th is coming out, all under my real name. I’m trying to get them to reprint some of my old series, under my real name.)
I’m working on the first in a soap opera mystery called THE YEARNING TIDE. My co-author is Eileen Davidson, one of the top actresses in the soap world for 20 years. Right now she’s on The Bold and the Beautiful. We’re doing two books right now, maybe more. It won’t be out till next year.
I’ve got a mystery anthology coming out this month called HOLLYWOOD AND CRIME, stories set during the history of Hollywood.
And I’m still out there pitching.
Can you tell us about the novel—or any other projects—you are working on now?
Right at the moment I’m working on the 13th Giant Gunsmith novel, and the first of the soap opera mysteries, and I’m about to start the third Rat Pack book.
I’m working on the first in a soap opera mystery called THE YEARNING TIDE. My co-author is Eileen Davidson, one of the top actresses in the soap world for 20 years. Right now she’s on The Bold and the Beautiful. We’re doing two books right now, maybe more. It won’t be out till next year.
I’ve got a mystery anthology coming out this month called HOLLYWOOD AND CRIME, stories set during the history of Hollywood.
And I’m still out there pitching.

Right at the moment I’m working on the 13th Giant Gunsmith novel, and the first of the soap opera mysteries, and I’m about to start the third Rat Pack book.
I have one last question, and I must warn it is a little vague. If you could chose any project to work on, what would it be?
I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. If I mentioned it some wise guy would steal it. I’m enjoying the historical aspect of the Rat Pack books. It was what I enjoyed about writing THE HAM REPORTER. So I have some other historical mysteries I’d like to do, and some western novels that deal with actual historical figures.
1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»Wow, what an amazing interview. Thanks to Saddlebums and Mr. Randisi. I am awed by the amount of novels that Mr. Randisi has published, one a month since 1982? I think he might just be a superhero in disguise! Mr. Randisi, I especially enjoyed your Joe Keough "Arch" series. I thought those were really fun to read. Thanks!
I also enjoyed the Joe Keough novels. The characters were unique, likable, and the writing was suspenseful and very entertaining. His westerns, particularly--in my mind--THE GHOST WIH BLUE EYES, MIRACLE OF THE JACAL, and TARGETT, are just as entertiainng.
Wow! Max Brand, look out. Someone's gaining on you. When I think of the number of people I know who can't even manage to read one book a month, Randisi's output is staggering. Add to that the fact that the books are all highly literate and much fun to read, all I can say is, you know, if Mr. Randisi slept less, he could write more.
Terrific interview with a terrific writer. Thanks, guys.
An excellent resumé of an astonishing career. Randisi is one of those writers, like James Reasoner and Keith Hetherington, you just have to admire (and envy!) for energy levels alone.
As for watching TV and writing at the same time . . . wow!
I was particularly interested in the comments on the house-name issue, and the clarification that Gunsmith is not in this category.
I guess we knew that writers don't always give their best to the house-name series. Thus I agree wholeheartedly with Ben that The Ghost with Blue Eyes and Targett are very entertaining, but why any good western writer would want to churn out Rocky Mountain Feud by Jon Sharpe (#25 in the Canyon O'Grady series) I wouldn't know. Must have been the money!
Great Interview - Bob's work ethic exhausts me just reading about it. But in addition to being one of the most prolific writers around, he just tells a dang good story.
DGB--as I recall, according to the bio in his Leisure books--Lauran Paine wrote something like 1,000 books; published and unpublished. Wow. And the few I have read are pretty darn good, especially THE OPEN RANGE MEN (aka OPEN RANGE).
Chap & Terry--I can't agree with you more that Randisi tells a great story, and I always look forward to reading his latest stuff.
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