Best known for the classic crime revenge novel Death Wish
and the series of movies it inspired, Brian Garfield (1939) is a versatile and accomplished writer. Having published nearly 70 books throughout a career spanning nearly five decades, he has been nominated for and won numerous literary prizes. These include the Edgar Allan Poe Award of the Mystery Writers of America (MWA) for his novel Hopscotch (1976). The story was the basis for a movie of the same name starring Walter Matthau and Glenda Jackson, which in turn was nominated for a Golden Globe, the Writers Guild of America Award and yet another Edgar.
Boasting over 20 million copies of his books published worldwide, other notable Garfield works are The Thousand Mile War: World War II in Alaska and the Aleutians, a nonfiction finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History, and Wild Times, a finalist for the American Book Award and the basis for a television miniseries starring Sam Elliot and Dennis Hopper. Most recently, his crime novel Death Sentence (1975) was adapted to film by director James Wan (the Saw trilogy) in a 20th Century Fox production starring Kevin Bacon, John Goodman and Kelly Preston.
Garfield’s resume, however, is just as accomplished when it comes to Westerns. A past president of both the MWA and the Western Writers of America, his work in the genre includes the Golden Spur-nominated novel Arizona (1969) and the nonfiction handbook Western Films: A Complete Guide (1973). On the eve of the release of Death Sentence, Garfield took time to talk with Saddlebums about his career as well as the past, present and future of Westerns.
Can you tell us more about your experience working in movies? How have you felt so far about the screen versions of works such as Death Wish and The Last Hard Men?
Boasting over 20 million copies of his books published worldwide, other notable Garfield works are The Thousand Mile War: World War II in Alaska and the Aleutians, a nonfiction finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History, and Wild Times, a finalist for the American Book Award and the basis for a television miniseries starring Sam Elliot and Dennis Hopper. Most recently, his crime novel Death Sentence (1975) was adapted to film by director James Wan (the Saw trilogy) in a 20th Century Fox production starring Kevin Bacon, John Goodman and Kelly Preston.
Garfield’s resume, however, is just as accomplished when it comes to Westerns. A past president of both the MWA and the Western Writers of America, his work in the genre includes the Golden Spur-nominated novel Arizona (1969) and the nonfiction handbook Western Films: A Complete Guide (1973). On the eve of the release of Death Sentence, Garfield took time to talk with Saddlebums about his career as well as the past, present and future of Westerns.
Can you tell us more about your experience working in movies? How have you felt so far about the screen versions of works such as Death Wish and The Last Hard Men?

What is the current productions status of Manifest Destiny?
There’s an excellent screenplay by Kirk Ellis, from my book, and it looks as if actor Steve Zahn will play Theodore Roosevelt. (I hope he does – he looks perfect in the TR get-up he improvised). Karen and Howard Baldwin of Baldwin Entertainment Group (“BEG”), the producers of “Ray”, are behind the current “Death Sentence” movie and they’re also the producers who have Manifest Destiny in development, and they're tenacious about getting projects on the screen, so I’m very hopeful it’ll be done properly. It’s not yet clear whether it’ll be a cable mini-series or a feature film.
“I don’t agree with those who say, “Isn’t it terrible what Hollywood did to your book.” Hollywood hasn’t done anything to my books – the books are right over here on the shelf, untouched.”
What led you to write a novel about Theodore Roosevelt? Was it difficult to capture in writing the personality of such an individual, an almost archetypically heroic figure in American history?
I can’t remember the impetus. It may have been reading David McCullough’s biography of the young TR. I remember developing enough of an interest to go to libraries to try and find out what else had been published about TR’s adventures in the Badlands. There’d been quite a bit of nonfiction, most of it published many years earlier – TR’s own memoirs, for example, and a few biographies of him by friends like Hagedorn, mainly written in the 1920s. So far as I could find at the time, no one had written a novel about TR in the Wild West. Later I learned there had been at least three or four, including a novel by Oakley Hall that was more or less based on the subject, rather as Hall’s novel Warlock was suggested by the Tombstone events of the early 1880s (Wyatt Earp and all that). Competing with Oakley Hall was not among my ambitions, but I wasn’t doing a mythic and imaginative reconstruction of a legend; I was trying to write the story of the real TR. All the characters are real people, doing the things they seem to have done in reality. It’s a novel only in the sense that I provided narrative descriptions and made up much of the dialogue, and compressed some of the events (for example, compressing numerous actual Stockmen’s meetings held over several years into one). Nearly all TR’s dialogue in the novel is drawn from his own writings and from things written about him by his contemporaries. I did change the order of a few events, mainly because it seemed neater to compress the time-frame of events that actually had taken place over a span of several years. But TR was unique. You don’t want to mess around with a magnificent character like that. I suppose it was a bit intimidating to write fiction about him, but in many ways the book is narrative-novelized nonfiction. It’s not a made-up story about a historical character; it’s as true as I could make it – a story about a real, and great, young man (I do know the difference between fiction and fact, however; my current book, The Meinertzhagen Mystery, about a British rogue who fooled everybody from Lawrence of Arabia to Churchill to Ian Fleming, is a biography that contains no fiction at all except for the myths Richard Meinertzhagen made up about his own life – myths that bamboozled entire generations of historians, intelligence specialists and scientists).

It was like the impetus behind my earlier nonfiction book, The Thousand-Mile War, which is a history of the Second World War in Alaska. Nobody else had written one. It seemed to me there ought to be a book that attempted to encompass ALL the “A”-Western movies of the talkie era (with summary chapters about silent films etc.). It was a labor of madness, really. I started the work several years before the advent of the VCR, so in many instances I had to find a print of a movie (The Museum of Modern Art in New York has an excellent collection) and view it with pencil in hand. My wife Bina has a pet name for the book – “More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About Western Movies” – and she probably is right, but I had started the damn thing and by gum I was determined to finish it, even though most of the movies I had to sit through were less than wonderful (There are truly great Westerns, but let’s face it, most movies in ANY genre are not great).
“Persistence paid off (both my agent’s and mine), but an important ingredient was luck. Isn’t that always the case in the arts?”
How did you to start writing Westerns? Have you considered writing another novel in the genre?

What are your thoughts about the present state of the Western genre and what do you think the future holds for the Western story?

Most writers are voracious readers and you are probably not the exception. What do you read for pleasure?
I read a hell of a lot, but mostly it’s nonfiction associated with our family-foundation work or with projects I'm writing. For pleasure I still enjoy re-reading John O’Hara and [W. Somerset] Maugham (short stories) and the towering 1940s Westerns of Ernest Haycox, and the magnificent rebel Edward Abbey. And I’ll read anything by Elmore Leonard or John Le Carré. But por favor, that’s just me – I’ve no desire to impose reading habits on others.
“There are lots of great true stories about the Old West that can be freshly tapped by novelists (...) but I feel – not without regret – that the traditional Western, as we used to know it, is not likely to make a serious comeback, either in print or on film. . . .”
Do you have any writing influences? How about influences in the Western genre?

Are there any Western writers you would like to see back in print again?
Haycox and Rhodes would top my list. Also William McLeod Raine, Bart Spicer, our late pal William R. Cox – there were a lot of really good writers in the genre back in the late 1930s into the 1950s.
Are you writing anything right now? Can you tell us more about any other projects you are currently involved with?

What is the greatest satisfaction of your writing career? Is there anything else you still feel you need to accomplish?
Survival is the greatest satisfaction, especially when you find you still have a market after nearly 50 years in the business. I’ve changed a lot; so have the publishing business and the movie business; and we haven’t changed in the same ways, necessarily. So I’m very fortunate to be here, still kicking. The thing I feel I still would like to accomplish is to write a book that’s better than any of its sixty-odd predecessors. That may not be in the cards, but I’ll keep dealing anyway. Thanks for asking.
Very nice interview. It's good to know that another western from Garfield isn't entirely out of the question. And I hate to argue with his wife, but the book on western movies isn't "more than you need to know," but "exactly what you need to know." I keep my copy right near my TV.
I was glad to read that Garfield still has affection for the novels of Luke Short. I wish his stuff could come back into print in paperback. I'm currently reading "Coroner Creek" in a large print edition, the only one I could find. (I used to hate large print but as I age I find it more convenient. I wonder why.)
Anyway, thanks for an interesting interview. Keep up the good work.
And thanks for the link to Bookgasm, for which I've written a couple of western reviews. I hope to do more in future.
Thanks, DGB. I also think that film guide remains pretty useful and informative. As for Bookgasm, I read that website regularly. I don’t know about Ben (the other administrator of this blog) but Bookgasm is actually one of the sites I had in mind when creating this one.
Great stuff. Glad to see it.
Thanks for the kind words. There's much more in store so stay tuned.
Bookgasm is one of my favorite review stops on the web. I especially enjoy Bruce Grossman's Bullets, Broads, Blackmail, and Bombs--I don't read much of the novels he reviews anymore, but his reviews always make me remember when I did. And it feels good to be thirteen again for a few seconds.
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